Sublime Wrestling Academy

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We are an Academy Style Wrestling Program. We wrestle year round and offer expert instruction. We are expanding the wrestling room this year adding 660 sq ft and adding wrestling equipment. We travel the country for national competition with our athletes. With Coach Fonz and his vision as the backbone of our wrestling room you can be confident in your investment towards your wrestler. Trust the process. 

  • Advanced Youth

    10/01/2024 - 03/31/2025

    4 sessions / week

    All Programs

    $100.00 / month Select
  • Little Gladiator

    2 sessions / week

    All Programs

    $60.00 / month Select
  • Waitlisted Members or unsure where to place your wrestler



    All Programs

    FREE Select
  • Middle School/High School

    4 sessions / week

    All Programs

    $100.00 / month Select

Little Gladiators: Designed to develop body awareness, learn the fundamentals of wrestling, and most importantly, spark a lifelong love of wrestling. Ages: 5-9 with little to no experience. 

Advance Youth: Designed to expand on the wrestlers fundamental knowledge base gaining more technical skills. In addition, common athletic wrestling positions will be repped to achieve an understanding of the key concepts of wrestling. Ages: 9-11 experience required. 12-14 with little to no experience. 

Middle/High School: Designed to "perfect" wrestling positions and technical skill with persistence. The wrestler is expected to come with a competitive attitude and be prepared for intense training. Ages: Middle school wrestlers experience required. High school wrestlers experience recommended.

*Sublime Coaches will ultimately decide which class is right for your wrestler.  

**Sibling Discount offered at 50% price of equal class or lesser value

***All refunds will be issued as credit that can be used for future classes, gear, or summer camps. NO MONETARY REFUNDS will be issued once class sessions start.